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Personally it's all about losing weight. Sure the other health benefits sounds great but in all honesty they aren't what grabbed my attention!
As a pastry chef and foodie I have struggled with my weight for years and always feeling like a failure when I don't stick to them because I can't go for months without my favourite foods nd feeling deprived all the time. But two days a week? Easy!!
Anyway I am going on a family holiday to Italy exactly 26 weeks from today (mini squee!!) and if I can lose 1-2 lbs/week from now until then I will be at my target weight, or close enough to it to justify some nice new slinky holiday clothes :mrgreen:
So guys, what's motivating you?
I quite like being cuddly but my BP was higher recently so time to lose a bit.
I was convinced by the programme.
I am a breast cancer survivor and want to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
I carry all my weight on my tummy,so want to lessen the risks associated with that.
My Grandma had dementia and I heard that some of the benefits involved keeping you mentally fit for longer, after seeing what happened to her I really don't want to end up the same.
When I started it was to lose weight without having to think about food every single day of a diet. Now though, its as much about the health benefits as the weight loss. Just out of interest, I am getting to be a demon when we watch Mastermind. If I got two answers previously I was pleased, on Friday, which incidentally is also a fast day for me, I got over 20. Coincidence? possibly. I can't say. But I do feel sharper on a fasting day than any other.
I had both my hips replaced in 2007 at the age of 49 because of really bad arthritis- they will both need to be done again as I was so young first time but they last longer the less weight I carry - and I am carrying much too much- and the op goes much better when lighter too!!! so mine are health issues and weightloss- they go hand in hand really!!! ursula
Health is my biggest motivation - there is cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's in my immediate family, putting me at risk for all three (and I've already had cancer, though now fully recovered).
Wow some inspiring motivation there, I am humbled. Good luck everyone, I wish you all the best of health :) xxx
My main reason has to be weight loss. I need to lose the equivalent of a small person! :oops:

The health benefits are an added bonus to me, and should increase from the weight loss as well as from the fasting.
Hi I'm on my 1st fast day after reading the book on Saturday! My reason is wt loss & health & am really excited about this plan!
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