I'm overweight and have suffered constant chronic back and leg pain for over 2 years. I haven't been able to exercise for most of that time and am very, very unhappy with my weight, shape, level of fitness and general feeling of being a failure. I've tried weight watchers, scottish slimmers and good old 'going it alone' but none of them worked. I felt that I was under too much pressure to succeed and I ended up throwing in the towel and gorging on things I knew I shouldn't be eating.
Then my brother told me about Michael Mosley's book. I immediately put it on my kindle, read it during the night when the pain woke me (usually a good hour or more at a time til the next lot of painkillers kicked in). Finished the book yesterday and decided to make today my first Fast day.
My husband decided to join me so that I have some support at home. Oh My Goodness - I've not laughed so much in a long time! He spent the morning worrying that he wouldn't have enough to eat, that he'd feel faint or dizzy. He worried that he wouldn't be able to survive without his cups of milky tea and then complained that everywhere he looked he saw food and all the junk he likes. I eventually had to tell him that if he didn't stop worrying and complaining, I'd do it on my own. Then he started worrying about tonight's tea and was shocked that we couldn't eat with our children at their usual tea-time!
I've also kept myself busy today and have drank pints of water. Only managed 3.5 pints far which isn't enough. Other than that, I've coped really well and not been bothered about thoughts of chocolate or food like hubby has. This could be the honeymoon period and I know that my next Fast day could be completely different so I'd appreciate any hints or tips anyone has to offer.