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5 posts Page 1 of 1
Day 1!
20 Feb 2013, 09:53
Fasting today, decided just to get on and start! Had my porridge which I know will keep me full til about 1pm at least as I have it most days.
I am so hopeful about this diet, I have struggled with my weight since having kids and theyre 21 and 18 now!. I just cant stay the same weight, it continually creeps on - i honestly dont care what size clothes i wear but I would like to stay at one size! Ive tried weightwatchers, slimmimg world, jason vale, harcombe, pig to twig and many more.Ive lost weight on them all but it goes back on again. I like the principle of the harcombe and pig to twig - am certain less carbs can only be good esp white refined carbs and am a great believer in good fats like olive oil and butter. I really dont think I eat a ridicuous diet - i have a good healthy meal at night and usually porridge for breakfast then a sandwich at lunch. I dont take sugar, I like a glass of red wine of an evening but very rarely snack, I only eat chocolate about once a month, never eat cake & maybe one biscuit a week - i dont have a sweet tooth but I could eat three or four bags of crisps in one go if I let myself but I dont! I really honestly, hand on heart dont know where I could change my normal eating habits unless it was to eat a salad instead of a sarnie at lunchtime, I dont see why you cant go out for a nice meal and eat all of it - not just the protein (harcombe), I dont want to be on a diet where I think my Mam or my work colleagues will think Im barking mad (Jason Vale)
This really appeals to me and should fit into my life without any problems. So fingers crossed - here I go!
Jo x
Re: Day 1!
20 Feb 2013, 10:07
Hi there, Pig to twig? is that for real?, I love it haha.
you sound like me, trying every diet going I have so much contradicting information floating around my head about what you should or shouldn't do or eat it can be really confusing. Thats why the 5:2 appeals to me too. I wish you the best of luck & lets hope we are all more twig like by summer x
Re: Day 1!
20 Feb 2013, 10:08
Hi Jo - welcome to the forums & well done on taking the 5:2 plunge today!

Do let us know how you get on with it, and feel free to use the progress tracker to keep an eye on how you're doing as well as seeing how the rest of the forum is getting on too!
Re: Day 1!
20 Feb 2013, 10:39
Hi there...never heard of the pig to twig either great name though.
Good luck.
Re: Day 1!
20 Feb 2013, 11:35
its the same basis as Harcombe, I read more diet books than fiction lol. I hear you about conflicting advice! Thanks for the support and heres to leaner happier times!
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