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Hello from another newbie!!
20 Feb 2013, 12:44
Hi everyone, I have already gleamed lots of info and support lurking on these boards over the past few days and thought it time to introduce myself!

I've struggled with my weight since I was about 17. Before then I was a size 10 with no issues with food, I ate balanced meals and never obsessed about food as a child. Then at 17 I went on a diet with friends and my relationship with food hasn't been the same since. My weight crept up each year until I hit a size 22 in my early twenties. I joined weight watchers and lost over 6 stone to get to goal but put on a few stone after having my children. The issue is that I think about food all the time, diet and then binge eat making myself feel awful, and generally fear ever feeling hungry.

So reading about a 'diet' where I could eat normally without the need to deprive myself (which for me leads to binge eating) is a major plus. In addition, I have also said how easier it would be to keep in control of my weight if I could 'just give up food'! So even the fasting days sound appealing!

So my first fast day was Monday and I am surprised how easy I found it... I had psyched myself up for pure hell but it was okay! I know now that hunger isn't unbearable and actually passes fairly quickly. I decided not to eat anything and save my 500 calories for dinner. I had my dinner on Sunday night and didn't eat again until Tuesday breakfast.

My next fast day is tomorrow (Thursday) and Im not dreading it (wouldn't say I was looking forward to it just yet!) and I'm looking forward to learning auto feel hunger again so that I can listen time hunger signals during normal days.

I swim twice a week so am planning that for normal days plus am keeping away from any alcohol during the week. Otherwise I am just eating what I actually fancy during my normal days and so far I haven't had the slightest urge to binge.

I know there has been some negative press about 5:2 and eating disorders but perhaps it can help some of us with binge eating and food addiction.

Re: Hello from another newbie!!
20 Feb 2013, 13:08
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are off to a great start :-)
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