This is my first week on the 5:2 fasting diet and I must say I have great expectations. I saw the documentary on Horizon and have been considering giving it a go ever since, but found most sources of information pretty sketchy on the details.
Then on Friday I found the 5:2 Fast Diet book in Costco so decided to dive in and stop dithering. I spent Saturday reading the book and then prepared to start on Monday.
I found Mondays fast pretty easy, and decided to use all my 500 cals in one meal in the evening. That said though, I did find that once I had eaten I could have just carried on, so had to keep myself busy with a bit of cleaning.
Once I got in bed however I felt fine and slept really well, and with the exception of a cup of tea with milk first thing I didn't eat anything until about 10am Tuesday, so was incredibly pleased.
Today is my second fast day, and so far nothing but black coffee and water with a squeeze of lime juice in has passed my lips - and I feel great!
Looking forward to cooking my evening meal later and then maybe a spot more cleaning to keep my hands busy.
Even if the health benefits of this program are not immediately evident, I am sure that looking at my sparkling kitchen will give me all the encouragement I need to keep it up!