I started my first fast day yesdterday and managed it no problem, I had 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast, then in the evening had a salad with butterbeans soaked in balsamic/garlic/smidge of olive oil/ chili. Sadly I had a litte bit of a headache by the time i got to 7 which progressively got worse, but i generally do get migraines if i dont eat regularaly, I presume this will change when my body gets used to it. I was also violently sick and had to rush to the loo as soon as I had finished my dinner, I put this down to a bug which had been doing the rounds at work, just very unfortunately i got it on my first fast day! Or possibly a migraine, but I will try another fast this week to make sure it was just the bug, but I made it through the fast and was absolutely today, I cant believe I wasnt really hungry all day!