I think what's happening (sorry if this is rambling) is that despite finding the Fast Days very easy to stick to, on my Feed Days I am probably over-compensating "just because I can". I know I'm doing this more out of habit than not, as I'm definitely more aware of my natural appetite - but is this really why I'm stuck on a 2 pound loss? Am I taking the "eat what you like and don't count calories" bit too literally? I'm not stuffing my face, but I am eating the odd slice or two of cake - and buttered crumpets, as for years they have been totally off-limits. How careful should I be on my feed days?
I don't have a lot to lose - not quite a stone, and my BMI is healthy already (but not my body fat %) - is there anyone else out there trying to lose just a little bit and finding it stubbornly not shifting?!
Sorry, there's quite a few questions there. Hope someone can help!