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Another new one!
25 Feb 2013, 15:03
Hi All,

This is my first day following 5:2, and my first Fast day. So far I'm doing fine - it's 3pm and I've had just fruit or herbal tea all day. Once I've picked the kids up from school I'm having some veggie soup with lentils and pearl barley in, and then a vegetable tagine for dinner later with a little bit of chicken and couscous.

I have a sneaking suspicion that once I start eating I might feel more hungry so am holding off for as long as possible before I eat!!
Re: Another new one!
25 Feb 2013, 17:12
Well with that screen name, I'm tempted to say "Mom, is that you?" ;-)

Welcome to the forums! Sounds like an awesome plan for you today. I absolutely hold out as long as I can because once I eat, I definitely feel more hungry. 500 calories can go a long way when it's all used for an evening meal! I tend to have a cup of bouillon at about 4pm and that, combined with herbal tea, black coffee and plain water get me through the day just fine.

Good luck!
Re: Another new one!
25 Feb 2013, 19:08
Hello Always Time For Wine.

With that username I had to say hi :-) It's my first fast today too but I'm doing breakfast and dinner. Looking forward to dinner later...
Re: Another new one!
25 Feb 2013, 19:14
Hello and welcome! I'm newish too and finding my way around.
Great user name, I feel there are quite a few of us who agree :D

Well done on your first day, I agree I tend to want to eat more once I've started so now I don't eat until dinner time on a fast day.
Re: Another new one!
26 Feb 2013, 07:59
Hi guys. I have to admit that I do love my wine!! Hence why I am trying to lose weight and improve my health!!

Yesterday went really well. I was most hungry at about 3-4 pm once I'd picked the kids up from school. I didn't actually feel physically hungry but I was craving sugary things and milky coffee.

Had an awesome dinner that I will definitely make again as it went a long way - the Tagine was delicious and packed full of veg, had some sweetness from raisins and the chickpeas make it very tasty. I'll post the recipe later on when I have a chance.

Surprised at how un-hungry I feel this morning. I'm actually wanting fruit and veg and a healthy breakfast rather than a big pastry - maybe as I don't want to undo the hard work from yesterday. Might have a few biscuits later on though.

Planning my next fast day for Thursday. Should be easy as I'm busy, but then working from 5.30pm until 9.30pm and on my feet a lot so I'm worried about not having enough energy for that. We'll have to see how it goes.

Good luck for yor next fast days guys - lets hope we can stick to it!!
Re: Another new one!
26 Feb 2013, 14:07
I love wine a little bit too much too! Glad it went well for you yesterday. Mine did too but felt hungry after dinner as only had 185 cal left so had a few quorn chunks and veg stir fry. Will keep more calories for dinner on Thursday...

I felt ravenous this morning but again Im sure thats down to a very low calorie dinner. Haven't overeaten so far though. Felt like it but after yesterday I knew the hunger would go. Had 520 calories already on breakfast and lunch! Good luck for the next one on Thursday. I'll be joining you again.
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