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Our Frequently Asked Questions topic will answer many of your fasting & weight loss questions!

If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

10 posts Page 1 of 1
Just started
27 Feb 2013, 19:21
Hi, 1st fasting day today. Had an omelette for lunch, making stir fry veg with a little chicken breast for dinner. Have been having black tea and coffee all day but m feeling hungry now. I want to hang off eating till later on tonight as I hate going to bed hungry. Any ideas anyone?
Re: Just started
27 Feb 2013, 19:35
I rely on herbal tea and hot water to keep me feeling full. Try to keep busy as well, taking your mind of things can work wonders, I tidy or clean or sort things out that I've been meaning to but haven't got round to.

Above all, think - It's only for today!!
Good luck, stay strong!
Re: Just started
27 Feb 2013, 20:12
HI joyember....and welcome
congrats and getting this far....and it does get easier
I try to concentrate on the fact that I am healing my body after years of abuse...yo-yo dieting and enjoying cooking and eating!!!! lol
so on my fast days ...after work I try to pamper myself in non food ways.....a long hot bath...paint my nails...give my feet a pedicure or a hair treatment or face mask...anything that is non food and relaxing!!!.....If I feel hungry ...which I do.....just think that tomorrow I will eat just as sopierh has said!
Re: Just started
27 Feb 2013, 20:24
I clean!! Quite odd I get really 'ocd' when I'm fasting I start scrubbing the whole house lol my 3rd fast is tomorrow and the cupboard upstairs is going to be decluttered!! :)
Re: Just started
28 Feb 2013, 00:43
Thanks Guys. I keep thinking that the long term benefits will outweigh the hunger pangs. After all tomorrow is another day lol x
Re: Just started
28 Feb 2013, 12:42
Good Morning - I heard the good doctor on the radio (702ABC Sydney) this afternoon, went shopping this evening and bought the book and am digesting the facts. Not sure when to begin as am going to visit daughter in far away land next week for my birthday. EEK. Do I have one week on, one week off and then start in earnest? Do I just wait until I have read the book and come home, raring to go. Not too fat - just the usual midrift - exercise regularly - have a mother with alzheimers and hope that this might help me into the future.
Re: Just started
28 Feb 2013, 19:36
Hi, I started yesterday. Today I feel really energised. Keep drinking and keep busy! You need to fast two days a week, it might help your Mum too.
Re: Just started
28 Feb 2013, 19:55
My first fast day today. I had a boiled egg for breakfast and then small piece of meat and veggies for my evening meal. I felt hungrie after eating this evening but after half an hour the hunger went. I've had lots of tea and coffee too.
Re: Just started
01 Mar 2013, 00:47
Thank you joyember :) Sorry to say she is in a nursing home and I have no control over the situation - she is a great eater!
Re: Just started
01 Mar 2013, 12:57
Hi everyone! I started yesterday, so can eat what I like today - yipee! I have spent most of my adult life gaining or losing the same 2 stone, and hope this is the end of the Yo Yo for me. Sadly my mother has Altzeimers, so the health benefits of this are as important to me as keeping to a healthy weight.
Looking forward to sharing the journey - lost 2 lbs already. I know this isn't all fat but it's a great incentive, and I feel a lot less bloated today.
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