I'm 50 yr old silver surfer who was nudging nearly 16st and have been totally and v pleasantly surprised at both the results and how easy I've found it so far at least.
In 5 weeks I've lost 18lbs and about 2" from my waist and BMI down from 28.3 to around 25.9, brilliant. Weight loss was a key factor in starting this regime but was also v interested in the other significant health benefits. Had blood checked a few weeks ago and total cholesterol was 7.0, blood sugar 5.4. Plan is to have tests redone in 2-3 mths time.
I couldn't get NGF-1 tested as GP said this is not something that they can test/measure for. Is there a way to get this tested ??
I prefer fast days to be consecutive which is not the recommended pattern but just suits me, is there any reason against consecutive fast days?
Anyway, feel so much better, less sluggish, more energy, alert etc.. Costing me though in new jeans etc but good problem to have!
Highly recommended