Just wanted to introduce myself, now that I've decided that 5:2 will be my new lifestyle!
I am a 27 year old woman, who moved to England 2 years ago to be with the man I love. We got married in July last year and well, got a bit comfy really.
I have tried slimming world, 4 days at the gym, cutting all fun out of my life, tablets and so on. So when I read about the 5:2 diet I thought it sounds like the way for me!
My goal is to lose 2 stones, my husband wants to lose more but has not yet embraced the idea of fasting, so hoping that seeing how well I hope to be doing, might motivate him!
My fasting days will be monday and thursday most weeks, yet some weeks I work 12 hour days and will then do my fasting on these days, to make it easier for myself.
My first fasting day will be on Thursday and are atm sat reading to decide how to get most out of my 500kcal, without feeling im dying
So any tips are more then welcome!