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Newbie with a Question
05 Mar 2013, 17:15
Hi Everyone!

I've just registered on the forum today after quite a bit of reading up on this particular approach to eating/dieting. I'm no stranger to fasting, I did Leangains (daily fast, 16 hour fast, 8 hour feeding window), it was liberating at first but frankly I was just squeezing my usual inordinate amount of food into those 8 hours. I have previously done WW for 2 years and lost 4 stone exactly, thankfully I haven't put much of that back on. So I have approx just under 3 stone left to lose and after years of points counting I want to do something a little more exciting, and obviously the health benefits would be a huge bonus. I'm going for fast days on Monday and Wednesday.

My questions is: I do a school run 5 out of 7 days which means walking from 2:20pm to 4:15pm with about 10 minutes sit down in the playground. I know from experience that if I have eaten nothing/very little before I leave I tend to feel light headed and dizzy while walking, something I'd like to avoid with 2 small children to look out for. The further problem is I am an evening snacker and, like a few members, would prefer to save at least the majority of cals for a larger evening meal. So how would be the best way to approach this? Should I maybe try having 150-200 cals meal around 2 and save the remaining cals for a later meal? Or should I attempt to go without the earlier meal? Have something 'snacky' just to give me a boost for the walk? I'd really appreciate some advice.
Re: Newbie with a Question
05 Mar 2013, 17:25
I would suggest you have a smallish late lunch (you could probably have a half pot of vegetable soup or similar for around 100-150 cals) before you go out and make a nice bulky dinner for in the evening, possibly then saving yourself a few cals for your evening snacks if you can't go without them - things like sugar free jelly pots are less than 10 cals but quite filling!

I think you'll find that after a few fast days you'll not feel light headed/dizzy on your walk and you may well be able to save all your cals for dinner then :) This way of eating is so flexible that you'll be able to find a method that works for your lifestyle.
Re: Newbie with a Question
05 Mar 2013, 17:30
Thank you for responding. That sounds like a plan. I suppose a lot of trial and error is involved here. My first fast day is tomorrow so I'll give it a try and take something in my bag (some strawberries or something) Just in case I feel odd. Best to be on the safe side.

Thanks again.
Re: Newbie with a Question
05 Mar 2013, 18:14
I fast all day and have a crumpet late afternoon before spin class....then big dinner when I come home.....I find it staves off any light headed ness etc before the exersize x
Re: Newbie with a Question
05 Mar 2013, 20:33
Thanks Morvmum, great advice.
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