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First week on 5:2
07 Mar 2013, 10:34
Hi to everyone
Today is my second fast day so far so good. During the evening of last Tuesday (1st fast day) I had a blinding headache which lasted for about 3 hrs.
Has anyone else had similar.
Today no ill effects and not feeling that hungry

A question Has anyone been on the diet for a lengthy period. I mean more than the 5-6 weeks that seems to be the norm and what are your thoughts

Healthy dieting

Sydney Australia
Re: First week on 5:2
07 Mar 2013, 10:45
Hi Arnie and welcome! :)

Some people have reported headaches on their first few fast days, but they seem to disappear as the body gets used to the changes.

Have a look at the Inspirational Stories thread for the thoughts of those that have been 5:2ing for a while.

Re: First week on 5:2
07 Mar 2013, 10:46
Hi I am also new to all this!
My first fasting day was monday just gone and come around 6pm I have the most intense headache which literally lasted until the next day. Today is my second fasting day and hoping the same doesnt happen again! I think it could be something to do with sugar levels. Other than the headache I have felt great, loads of energy too which is a massive positive
Good luck
Re: First week on 5:2
07 Mar 2013, 10:50
It's been suggested that headaches can be caused by not drinking enough on fast days. You usually take in quite a bit of fluid by eating as most food is comprised largely of water, and on fast days you need to drink more than usual to replace this. Personally I've never had this problem but I drink quite a lot of water normally anyway.

As to being on the diet long term, I'm currently in my sixth month, still losing weight steadily and over half way to my goal weight. When I reach it I plan to vary the number of fast days I have in order not to become underweight, but basically to stick with intermittent fasting indefinitely.
Re: First week on 5:2
09 Mar 2013, 00:34
Thanks to all for the nice welcome

My second fast day went by without any headaches at all

I believe the clue might be water intake as "Your funny uncle" stated

Before I began the diet last week I read that one needs to keep fluid intake high on the fasting days. As I drank quite a bit of water on fast day1 this could explain why my headache wasn't as severe or lasting as others have experienced

Sounds like a great diet
Good luck to all

Re: First week on 5:2
09 Mar 2013, 01:26
This is my first week on 5:2 as well. So far so good, I have fasted for 3 alternating days this week. I too had a headache on the first fast day but it has been better since then. For me, the key was to spread out my 500 calories and forgo the long stretch between breakfast and dinner. This is an interesting diet and something that really speaks to me. I have been reading a lot about "cleanses" and did not think I could do this but this diet might work!
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