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Hello there
08 Mar 2013, 13:32
Hi Folks,

My wife told me about the 5:2 diet just before Christmas. Seemed pointless starting it then so we waited until January. After some research including this forum as a guest we both started on January 22.

As someone who has always struggled with other diets (usually ending up weighing more that when I started) I am thoroughly impressed and very much enjoying this one. So far, in six weeks I have lost 21.5lbs.

Mind you, the doc would like me to get to 12 stone which means a 10 stone loss is required. In the interim I have set myself a goal of 14.5 stone.

I'm also happy that after the first few fasting days I've found it really easy to settle in to them and hunger has never really proved a problem on these days.

Other than being strict about my calorie intake on the fasting days (Tuesdays and Thursdays in my case) I have increased the amount of fruit and veg I eat. But I can still allow myself a small bag of crisps or a small choccie bar in an evening - which has to be good for me right? :grin:

Re: Hello there
08 Mar 2013, 14:11
Well done Kev and Mrs Kev. Has Your Doc done any other tests, BMI, bloods, insulin that you can compare your progress with ?

Re: Hello there
08 Mar 2013, 14:17
Congrats!!!!! Really really well done....and keep going...every journey is made one step at a time and youve started yours with a sprint!!
Re: Hello there
08 Mar 2013, 15:11
Wow, that is brilliant start to your weight loss. Try not to think of the bigger picture but split it up into small goals like half stone losses and getting down to the next BMI number. I've just gone over the one stone loss since the new year, which I am so proud I am about to walk a long way to Sainsbury's to buy myself a Creme Egg. :wink: Probably shouldn't had said that but you can do that kind of thing when 5:2ing.
Re: Hello there
11 Mar 2013, 09:50
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm really finding this forum a useful source of information.

I haven't had any blood work done, though my wife has as she has type 2 diabetes. She also has her doctor's approval to be on this diet as he thinks it's a positive lifestyle change. I might have to have a word about tests for me though as it's a shame I missed at the start.

Good luck everyone.

Re: Hello there
11 Mar 2013, 10:01
Welcome. This is the easiest diet you will ever do. Fast today for tomorrow you eat! Very sustainable. Well done for making a start on the journey and keep us posted with your progress.
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