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My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 20:29
Had my first fast day yesterday - it went quite well and hoping it gets easier each time.

Today I woke up feeling very good in a positive frame of mind, deciding that I could eat whatever I wanted but what I wanted was healthy food, not much mindless snacking, etc. Problem was - I told my husband I thought the 5:2 was really helping with a great mind-set - he laughed and said "oh, you're now an expert and think you have this all worked out after one day. Its just another one of your fad diets . .."

I'm sure I will have some down days but I was feeling great today. He certainly took the wind out of my sails. Men !!!

Anyone else have this to contend with ????
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 20:31
Definitely! My OH is sceptical to say the least but I am determined that this is the WOL for me now. We'll show them as the lbs drop off!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 20:56
My hubby is great. It's the people at work who are critical. Fad fad fad is all I get. So, from now on I will not fill them in. I hope they don't show a 'real' interest once I get to be a slim jim...
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 21:07
My OH is dead keen as it's the first time he's seen me lose weight in 12 years!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 21:13
Mine thinks its bad for me and will make my body go into starvation mode and therefore when I eat again after fasting it will store fat incase I don't feed it again! My mum is all for it and I haven't tod anyone else as its what I think that really matters and its not up to any one else! I am happy, healthy and loosing weight so what more can I ask for!!!!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 21:25
Isn't it amazing how different people can be! My hubby is all for it and we embarked on the WOE together and consider we will be doing it for life. He's as positive as me. He's delighted that I'm losing weight and is loving the slimmer happier me.

I've had many different reactions to my new WOE. From those who immediately say "skipping meals isn't good for you" or "500 calories! I could never do that!" to others who are very interested although "seeing how I get on first" or even a couple of friends who have decided to join me.
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 22:27
My husband and son are usually very supportive. I've done countless diets over the years and they always encourage. This time they're actually joining in! I think this way of dieting suits blokes. There's very little faffing around and your willpower only has to last for part of the fast days. I've never known my 19 year old son to be able to maintain 'dieting' for more than a few days but he's been doing this now for almost 4 weeks and there's no sign of him losing his enthusiasm. I'm amazed!!!!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 22:58
Before 5:2 the closest I got to dieting was stopping snacking between meals and cutting sugary drinks out of my diet. I knew I wouldn't be able to sustain a diet in which I felt as though I was depriving myself of things. This has felt like something different since the start . As you can see I've lost weight slowly but surely since September to the point where I'm within touching distance of the "normal" BMI range for what I think must be the first time since I was a teenager.
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 23:02
My 26 year old daughter is doing this with me more for the health benefits than weight loss...she's 9st but would like to be 8 and 1/2....hubby doesnt need to loose weight and has a very healthy attitude to food but is very supportive of us both. He says he already sees a change in both our body shapes!! If he is off on our fast days he will have made a nice home made veg soup or large salad for out dinner when we come in from work...he's a real treasure!! :smile:
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 23:05
Lovemyparrot - lol sounds like my OH! I don't blame him mind, since we've been together, I've lost and put on the same stone or so... However, he's quite chuffed as I've lost a few kilos so far and it's not gone off my boobs :0)
He's not shallow really, and the other bonus is, he can make his lush cakes and biscuits more often, as he'd stopped making them while I was calorie counting!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
09 Mar 2013, 23:37
Hi, thanks for all your replies. Seems like most OHs are really supportive and I think mine will be soon, especially if he sees its making me happy and healthier. So far I am happy but its early days yet. I've asked him to join me but he's not interested - maybe he will be if I get some good results - so I won't say another word.

Good luck everyone !!!!
Re: My Hubby scoffs already !!!
10 Mar 2013, 10:26
I'll be honest and say that when I first heard about it I scoffed too. But that's because I didn't know anything about it. I just heard the word fast and assumed it was starving yourself.

But I've heard more, read more and done my research i'm a total convert!! I'd say it's just lack of info. But in saying that I'm not going too public yet. I'm going to wait until I start getting results
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