I bought the 5:2 book yesterday, picking it up because I had misunderstood the word 'fast' - thought it related to speed rather than fasting!!!
Anyway, a quick flick through the pages and I decided this looks like it is worth a go. I didn't see the Horizon programme and all the fuss has passed me by. Been messaging a couple of friends and they are also keen to start this week. Let's see what happens.
Would like to lose about 10 pounds and am feeling very positive.
I'm a teacher and spend a huge amount of my time at home glued to my computer. Am aiming for a better work / life balance and being healthy will be part of that. I'm 41 and have only recently started to think about trying to stay young for as long as possible. I want to be around for my children for the next 40 years at least.
Right, off to bed now. Busy day at school tomorrow and I'm hoping that will make my first fast day easier.
Looking forward to visiting the forums regularly to look for advice and as time goes on, share tips.
Bye for now.