So that's why I'm doing this. I'm 63 and fairly active - Pilates once a week, walk the half mile into town most days, but a lot of computer work for the society that I'm volunteer administrator for, so inevitably my life is fairly sedentary. I get to folk dancing weekends occasionally - 3 or 4 times a year, and nearly always use the stairs rather than the lift - it helps that I'm mildly claustrophobic!
But although I'm quite tall, so my overweight doesn't show too much, I'm conscious of it, and I'm fed up with being size 18/20 [or should that be the other way round ... I'm bigger at the top than round the hips] and my waist is non-existent. Gone are the days when turning sideways made it easier to get through a narrow gap ...
Hoping this will get me on the road to my target weight.