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9 posts Page 1 of 1
Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 11:39
Hi everyone,
I thought i'd introduce myself.

I'm Emma, 35, and a mum of 2. I have lost 26lb since the 1st of jan and have been doing 5:2 for about 7 weeks. I have found that its the easiest diet I have ever done, and managed to stick to it longer than weight watchers (I get bored really easily!)

I have read the posts that the average weight loss is 1lb per week, and know I have lost a lot more than this, which I have put down to also cutting out all the empty sugar calories from drinking Coke and sugar in my tea!
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 11:52
Welcome Emmma!! wow, that's amazing weight loss!

Glad to have you here :-)
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 11:53
Hi & welcome! Congratulations on the truly fantastic loss! The average is indeed 1lb a week, after an initally higher loss for the first 6-8 weeks (see the Progress Tracker for charts). It would be great if you could add your data to the tracker too!

This is certainly far easier than any other diet I've ever tried, I've been doing it 7 months now and still love it :)
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 13:04
Hello, I am also a newbie. I only started the diet on Monday and this is my 2nd fast. I am doing the 4/3 diet and am finding the fast days ok but the problem is I don't know what a "normal" day of eating is. I have been a yoyo dieter for years now and regularly lose 3 stone and then put it on again. I have done all the diets a few times over. Once I am focussed on dieting I find it hard to have anything nice to eat which is probably why I gorge myself when I have lost the usual 3 stones. Already I know I haven't eaten enough yesterday on the non fast day. Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 17:38
Hi, Gillrobo, I could have written your post myself! Like you, I have spent years putting on and taking off the same weight - in my case, 2 stone! I have always described myself as a 'great dieter but even greater eater!' I have never been one for slimming clubs, because of where I live, but have been an obsessive calorie counter during my thrice-yearly dieting phases.

When my husband and I started at the end of January, we both managed fasting fairly easily, but I still found myself obsessively counting and recording calories on non-fasting days (I can't think of them as 'feast' days). This went on for three weeks and then I decided that, if this was to be a new way of life for us, then this obsession I had to stop.

We went away for a week and I decided that I would allow myself to choose to eat anything that I wanted to. What I found was that I sometimes chose to eat cake and sometimes not. I have written elsewhere on here that I chose to eat only half a pizza because I decided that I was full - something I have never done before! Since then, I have left chips on my plate, declined the offer of dessert, not finished the Pringles in the tube and countless other small miracles!

Calorie counting is no longer part of my life. Even on fasting days, I don't count in detail, simply 'guesstimate' based on years of experience! Today I chose to eat and enjoy a croissant, well two actually, and had some of my birthday cake. The difference now is that I haven't continued to eat everything in sight, thinking I have blown everything. I am hoping that this is the start of a new relationship with food and that this WOE is sustainable in the long term. Only time will tell!

Sorry if I have gone on rather a long time. It seems to be all about me, but I hope that it gives you some encouragement to try this WOE to change your life too. Keep us posted with your progress!
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 17:42
Hi, Emma, my apologies for not welcoming you too. What a great weight loss. You must be thrilled! How much of your 26lb had you lost before starting 5:2? Have you upped your exercise too? Whatever, you're doing - just keep doing it! There's hope for us all!
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 17:54
Hi emma, that is a great weight loss! All tips would be greatfully received!
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 18:25
Wow well done am also new, st started my fast day 2dai
Re: Hello! I'm a newbie
13 Mar 2013, 18:30
Wow well done am also new, st started my fast day 2dai
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