I have been on a weight loss journey for a year and a half, becoming more physically active and eating a much healthier diet, lots of veggies and very little meat. After losing 30 pounds initially my weight hasn't budged in the last 5 months. I recently had a physical and my triglycerides are high and my doctor wants me to lose another 20 pounds. I was at a complete loss of how to make any more changes that would be sustainable. I just found out about this eating plan last week when I heard Dr. Mosley on the Diane Rheme show, and started it yesterday. I am hopeful that this will be the answer!
First fasting day went well, but it is a challenge for sure. My husband is doing this with me and he had a harder time as he was at home around food and making snacks for our 2 year old daughter. I hope we can be strong and keep it up long enough to see some real results.
Thank you!