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Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 08:59
Hello everyone, I was so pleased to come across this forum!

I've been interested in this since watching Horizon last year, and my manager has been doing it since January and lost nearly three stone! I only have a little bit of weight to lose (9lbs), but since losing nearly three stone three years ago it's a stubborn bit that went back on that I want to get rid of. I am also interested in the health benefits of the 5:2 diet.

So today is my first fast day. I am interested to see that some people eat small amounts through the day, and some really do go for a long time between eating. I am curious as to the success of either method. I note from the progress chart analysis (posted on here) that some have more success than others and I wonder if it would be useful to find out if those with less success are those that eat through the day? Forgive me if this has been discussed, I've not had a chance to read through everything.

I got up and walked the dog this morning at about 7 am, then had an actimel strawberry drink 75cals, and I am planning to have a boiled egg at about 11 am, then have a low calorie meal of beef in gravy with vegetables at about 7pm. That's the plan anyway + lots of hot water with lemon through the day.

I have a meeting at 4pm today and the person I am meeting usually brings doughnuts - so that will be a real challenge! If I succumb I might have to forego my evening meal!

Caroline xx
Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 09:38
Hi Cags! I am quite new on this also (I am on my second fast day today :smile: ) so cannot give you much advice... but I just wanted to say Welcome!

On my first fast day I split the 500 cal on two meals and today I am leaving them all for the evening meal... so I guess the best thing to do is try what works best for you :smile:
Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 10:28
Thanks for the welcome Vee - gosh not sure I could go that long without eating - I'm doing ok so far today though. Am a bit worried that my boiled egg may make me hungrier, but will see! Have a good day x
Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 10:54
Hi Cags and welcome to this friendly place. About those doughnuts, just don't! It's easy to have the discipline on a fast day even if you have none tomorrow. I've just put out chocolate tiffin squares for our staff with elevenses but as far as I'm concerned they don't exist as its fast day for me. Be strong, you can have what you want tomorrow.
Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 13:08
Hi Caroline, today's my first fast day as well. I'm hoping to make it to dinner before eating. I'm thinking if I eat something earlier in the day, it will just make me hungrier. We'll see if I make it :grin: ! I'm actually kind of excited about the challenge of it; I may be singing a different tune by the end of the day.

Good luck!

Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 14:15
Hi and good luck with your first day. I haven't started yet as I've only just received the book and I want to read it right through and do it properly. However, I had a little practice run a couple of weeks ago and lost 4 pounds. I spread the calories across the day, having an egg with salad for breakfast, an apple midday and then chicken and salad in the evening. I found that perfectly do-able and I'm really looking forward to starting proper.
Re: Hi I'm starting today!
21 Mar 2013, 20:01
Hi thanks everyone for the lovely welcome.

I'm afraid I did succumb but I won't have anything else to eat (shame as I was looking forward to my meat and veg!). I didn't think I would be able to not have any, mainly because last time the man brought them in (it is yum yums rather than doughnuts if anyone's heard of them - I hadn't!) I had never had one before and made such a fuss about how lovely they were, and I knew he would bring some in again because I liked them so much. So I felt it would be rude not to!! I know it sounds like an excuse but it's the truth!! I didn't want to put off starting 5:2, so have tried to work around it!

All in all I feel my first day has gone well, I looked up a higher cal yumyum on myfitness pal and it comes in at 319, which takes me to about 550 all day which isn't a bad start is it?

I will do better next time - probably Monday

Caroline x
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