I'm Fleur and I'm about to embark on the Fast Diet. I'm still reading the book at the moment and I won't start until I've finished it and got it all firmly in my head.
A recent trial run, pre-book, saw me losing 4 pounds in a week, which was most encouraging, but my meals were very much guesswork and I want to do this properly.
It's encouraging to see so many of you doing well on this and I am convinced that this is the way for me. I have around 2 stone to lose (good grief, last year it was only a stone!). I was at my ideal weight this time 2 years ago, when I lost a stone very quickly by low-carbing, but then I stalled for months and months and my hair fell out and then I put the weight back on plus another stone that I never had before in my life, even when fully pregnant.
So! I need to take myself firmly in hand now and just flipping get on with it.
Thanks for listening

Fleur x