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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Pleased to Meet You, I'm Fleur
21 Mar 2013, 14:32
Hello everyone

I'm Fleur and I'm about to embark on the Fast Diet. I'm still reading the book at the moment and I won't start until I've finished it and got it all firmly in my head.

A recent trial run, pre-book, saw me losing 4 pounds in a week, which was most encouraging, but my meals were very much guesswork and I want to do this properly.

It's encouraging to see so many of you doing well on this and I am convinced that this is the way for me. I have around 2 stone to lose (good grief, last year it was only a stone!). I was at my ideal weight this time 2 years ago, when I lost a stone very quickly by low-carbing, but then I stalled for months and months and my hair fell out and then I put the weight back on plus another stone that I never had before in my life, even when fully pregnant.

So! I need to take myself firmly in hand now and just flipping get on with it.

Thanks for listening :smile:

Fleur x
Hi Fleur,
Welcome to the fast diet and this forum.
I have only been fasting for 2 weeks (4:3) and the forum has been brillianlly supportive. Just by reading other stories by folk having same problems as yourself spurs you on through the tough times and makes you realise theres loads of ppl just like you.
Anyway, good luck and stay focused,
Mary x
Hi Fleur and mx3lady! I'm on my second ever fast, and hanging in there. I also lost a bunch of weight low-carbing, then piled a lot of it back on. I like the flexibility of this, and I'm pleasantly surprised that eating 25% of my daily calorie allowance hasn't killed me!

Good luck to you both :)
Thanks Mary, I intend to make full use of the expertise on here, nothing better than speaking to people actually doing it!
Hi Beeswax, i too lost a load of weight doing Slimmers world, lost over 2 stones about 3 years ago and was determined to stay at target, but hey, not to be. i'm not trying to make excuses but i stopped smoking 2 yrs ago (2 yrs today infact!!) and the weight just seemed to pile back on.
I love eating good food and have a wonderful appetite and always try to eat healthy but at 56 i know i should lessen the portion size which would probably keep the extra pounds at bay. This fast diet seems to be a fantastic way to take control knowing its just for 24 hrs and then you can eat normally again.
Its weigh in in the morning so here goes !!
Good luck and keep at it
Mary x
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