My name is Carole, I'm British, 53 and living in Switzerland. My brother told me about the Horizon programme last summer but it's taken me this long to get my head around whether or not it's a good thing as we've all been conditioned to think missing meals is not a good thing. Anyway, I come a very poor health background (diabetes, heart disease, cancer) and if I can do something to keep my body healthy I will give it a shot, plus I would really like to lose 5 kilos

I'm on week three of fasting and so far I can't say I feel any more energetic than normal but I have lost a kilo which is incredible considering that I'm eating in a normal way the other five days. I have been following a Slimming World diet for years and it suits me because I like to eat but as with all diets, it has its rules and sometimes I would like to just relax and have a lovely tuna mayonnaise baguette for lunch. The 5.2 diet is teaching me how to have a normal relationship with food again and in the three weeks I have been doing it, I've had two "lovely tuna baguettes"

This forum looks like an excellent place to come for support and information and I'm really glad to have found it. I feel confident that now I can be in contact with others following the same diet, it will be easier to stick with it and benefit from all the good things it can give.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
Carole x