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Day 1 all over again
23 Mar 2013, 01:39
Hi everyone

I'm new to the 5:2 and will be starting this week (when I've planned what I can have on my fast days :?: ). Like a few people on here I've tried many diets before and although was initially successful I've always struggled to maintain the losses and have invariably ended up at my starting weight again.

I'm really hopeful that this could be the lifestyle change that I can stick to in the long term, I've got about 5 stones to lose so a very long term! I'm glad to be trying an eating regime that doesn't come with a whole load of caveats about the damage I'm doing to myself and in fact has a number of health benefits beyond just reducing BMI.

So I'm going to spend some time reading through the boards and hope to gain some inspiration, but in the mean time if anyone has any tips for a very nervous newbie they would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time
Re: Day 1 all over again
23 Mar 2013, 03:52
Welcome to the forums! Yes, planning is definitely key to a successful fast day. I have even been known to cook the night before if I wanted a lovely stew or something that would take a while to prep. It's hard to cook dinner for the family when you're hungry! LOL

I have been doing this for 2.5 months and I have to say, I think it's the most sustainable diet I've ever done.
Re: Day 1 all over again
25 Mar 2013, 12:23
Thank you Tracieknits, it's a good tip to cook the night before.

I don't have a family to cook for, and quite often my other half will be the one slaving over the stove (I'm very lucky) but I think I'd like the control of knowing I won't be tempted to add a little something here and there and know that I can reach in to the fridge or freezer and find something tasty and low calorie all ready for me.

I'm hoping the old adage of "out of sight, out of mind" will work for me so I'll leave all of the kitchen cupbaords firlmy closed :wink:
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