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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Hi all
I had been doing 5:2 for about 5 weeks and pretty happy with it when I found out that I had Labyrinthitis and had to stop for a while to allow it to settle down. Thankfully all cleared now so today was day 1 back on 5:2 - I have really missed it as I was enjoying doing it (yes, admittedly a bit weird but hope you all will understand what I mean by enjoy)
I did a bit of a search to see if i could find some more recipes and have stumbled upon the forum so off to explore now.
Wish me luck!
Rhoobarb :geek:
Welcome to the forums and glad to hear you are feeling better :)
Thanks Tracieknits - nice to get a welcome. Trying to find a menu for tomorrows lunch of around 150 cals so off to look
Hi Rhoob, I spotted yr post cos I have occasional labyrinthitis. Glad you're feeling better. I am on my first fasting day and am thinking too much about food, even though I'm not actually all that hungry! Hope you found a good 150cal lunch. :)
Hi Golarne
It was a bit of a nightmare but I was mostly annoyed that I couldn't do 5:2 as I was really enjoying it. I had it for weeks before it was diagnosed though - hopefully its gone for a while. HAd a really good fast day today so hopefully back into the swing of things now. How did your first fast day go?
Glad you had a good day! Mine was ok, though I've been checking calories and I hadn't factored in the oil I used for the stir fry, so prob went over the 500! Oh well, put it down to experience. I'm more organised for tomorrow, so fingers crossed...
Good luck - I did the same with skimmed milk! My friend told me that 10% above or below was ok tho so not to beat myself up!
Hi Rhoobarb and Golarne,
I'm just in the middle of a labyrinthitus episode. My 5:2 is going really well so will still be fasting regardless. Feeling slightly nauseous might be a positive help.
Hi Jazzbird, I hope you're not suffering too much with dizzy-does today. Luckily I don't get nauseous with it because after a really awful week a few years ago I now get dizzy spells quite often, I'm sure people think I'm drunk when I have to grab onto something when I'm out!
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