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I have been fasting Monday/Wednesday's with some success.

This week, after a fast day on Wednesday, I awoke around 4:00 am Thursday to severe stomach pain. My conclusion was that I had food poisoning from my 'one' meal eaten Wed evening (Sushi).

I was bed-ridden all day Thursday but have not had any further vomitting, etc.
However, I have found that both yesterday and today (Saturday) I am still unable to eat very much. My stomach feels very tender and I do not have 'any' desire to eat. Since I have never had food poisoning before I am wondering if this is normal and when it might pass? Also, could it be exaggurated due to fasting?? (I don't think so, just putting it out there for opinions). Initially (first day) I was not worried at all since I had learned that my body would be quite fine without food for a day or two. Now I am somewhat concerned that it will have some negative impact. (Having said that , I have forced myself to have tea and toast and some eggs).
Any thoughts? Thx.
I had a mild bout of food poisoning once and felt unable to eat for a day or two. I had to ease myself back into food with just dry Jacobs crackers to make sure I could keep them down and when they stayed down I had some thick veg soup, fairly bland so as not to cause any upset.

I don't know if this is normal or not, as I've only had it the once - and normally have a very strong stomach so am not accustomed to vomiting! Perhaps someone with more experience of it can advise. It certainly sounds like how it affected me - and that was a good 8 years or so ago, well before any fasting!
This is definitely one of the times when your body is shouting to you and it is a good idea to listen to it! When we get food poisoning, our bodies do their utmost to get rid of the offending product and go all defensive to stop anything else happening. It'll settle down. Eating if you feel like it and starting with bland low residue stuff is best. You may crave something - go with it as it may have something in it that you need. Most importantly is to keep drinking lots. Not just water, but weak juice etc to balance out the electrolytes. Or if you can only face water, add a wee pinch of sugar and salt. LOts of the really weird symptoms are caused by the dehydration. You can also get rehydration salts. If it goes on for more tan a week, a wee trip to the doctor may be in order.
Hope you feel better soon. Be nice to yourself.
Hope you feel better soon Becky! :)
I agree with Janeg.
Another tip to keep hydrated is to sip flat coca cola (not diet). It's often easier on the stomach than plain water & full of sugar + salts.Don't worry if you can't eat for a few days - keep hydrated & start off with small amounts of bland food when you feel like it but if it gets more painful or lasts more than 1 week I'd go to your doctor to get it checked out.
Hope you feel better soon x
Good advice from janeg especially the tip about adding wee pinch of salt & sugar &keeping fluids up, take in sips rather than gulping down as the body is able to absorb it better that way.

Hope you feel better soon.
Hello Beckygirl
I Hope you are feeling better now but listen to your body & keep hydrated. I survived two weeks on mainly fluids I.e.water, soup & Imodium because of my Egyptian Dysentery but I did end up getting medical advice & treatment. But it is important to keep hydrated by sipping water, having hot Bovril or a bland soup if you can managed it, my first real meals were scrambled eggs & porridge. Also keep away from Ibuprofen & Aspirin as they are stomach irritants.
Hope you recover soon & if it continues or you can't keep anything down get medical advice because severe dehydration is very bad for you.
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