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Re: Help!
02 Apr 2013, 20:50
Fasting does get easier, the first few are less easy and take a bit of willpower. Even if you wake up hungry, the hunger will pass, and after a few fasts I'm sure it won't be an issue anymore and you'll sleep through.

You may find a small glass of milk for 50 cals or so helps you to sleep better.
It may also be worth trying to save all your cals for dinner rather than splitting them in the day as this can often just make you feel more hungry and believe it or not it can be easier just to go without until dinner! You can have some huge dinners for 400-500 cals which should leave you feeling stuffed. I make a 300 cal per slice fasting lasasgne which I have with either peas and wedges or with a mahoosive salad. Or a nice 120g chicken breast with 300-400g steamed veg, 150g baby potatoes lightly roasted, mashed veg and gravy. Its often more than I can manage and I never go to bed hungry or wake up hungry.

But of course it's entirely up to you and if you don't feel fasting can work for you then don't do it :) but I'd at least say give it a fair try of a couple of weeks. It can take a few fasts to adjust to it and find a method which fits you best, but its more than worthwhile if you can stick with it!
Re: Help!
02 Apr 2013, 21:03
You can do two meals with 150 each, instead of one of 300.
Leave 50 for before bed, that's two rice cakes, they are enough to fill your stomach before bed time.
It's all a matter of trying till you get it. Many people do a big meal (like Moogie is suggesting). I know that eating once a day is not good neither for my stomach nor for my sanity, so I go for 3 (small) meals and I have enough calories for one or two snacks.
Anything is possible but keep in mind that if you start with a negative attitude towards what you're starting, it's most likely that you won't succeed.
Re: Help!
03 Apr 2013, 06:41
I agree that a negative attitude can sink a ship, but if we are not realistic about what we can do, we will not make the right choices.
My migraines are serious and have a huge impact on my life. They are triggered by hormonal imbalance, low blood sugar and a plethora of other factors that just make them worse. I have to take them in to account.
Re: Help!
03 Apr 2013, 06:47
Hello carolius, debilitating migraines are awful and you do need to choose what is the best for you. Have you thought about perhaps trying just one fast a week on a day when there is little to do or when the next day isn't as critical? This way, if you are stricken, you have a kind of safety net of lessening disruption.
Playing about with what you eat and when, as others have suggested would obviously be part of it to.
Do let us know what you decide to do.
Re: Help!
03 Apr 2013, 07:00
Carolius - hiya
Migraines are a moo, aren't they?
The beauty of 5:2 is adjusting it to suit you - you don't have to stick to 500 cals, perhaps try a wee bit higher for the first few fasts, 600 or 700 then bring it down as your body gets used to it? Try a small amount of slow release carbs with the evening meal, some brown rice or sweet potato, hopefully can get you through without a migraine- another couple of hundred of calories isn't much in the grand scheme of things if you want to adopt this as a way of life.
The fasts do get easier, and I've not had a migrane since I started this (tho I don't have the same condition as you) but mine are hormone and anaemia related,
Hope this helps- let us know how you get on in your next fast :0)
Re: Help!
03 Apr 2013, 09:06
Hi everyone. Thank you lots for the encouragement!
Moogie: a glass of milk for 50 cals just before i go to bed would be great - thank you.
Dragonbirdy: the suggestion of some slow release carb is brilliant - thanks.
I think I will time my next fast so I break the fast before I get to bed. i.e.:
Wed: eat a good lunch today. Tonight: glass of hot milk before bed.
Thurs during the day: have rest of the carbs - perhaps little and often to keep up my blood sugar.
Thurs evening (36 hrs later): Eat a good dinner

Thank you so much everyone. You've given me the motivation to press on!
Re: Help!
03 Apr 2013, 09:22
Morning all!
Carolius, I am fighting with migraines so I know what they can do. But the good thing is that we know what triggers them which can help us reduce them.

If an empty stomach keeps you awake do note how you deal with it tonight. Perhaps only a glass of milk since lunch will cause a bit of chuntering in your stomach.
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