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First day
03 Apr 2013, 18:04
Hi all,

Today was my first fast day and boy was it tough! Does it get easier or are there good and bad days?

I couldn't believe how light-headed I felt :bugeyes: . I didn't eat an enormous amount yesterday but did an 8 mile forest walk, perhaps I am paying for that today. Who knows. Anyway, I'm easing in gently with only one fast this week and then Monday & Thursday next week.

Re: First day
03 Apr 2013, 21:46
Hi Kazzafornia and welcome! :)

The fast days definitely get easier so hang in there and in a week or two you'll hardly even notice them.
Re: First day
04 Apr 2013, 17:28
Hello Jemima,

I really hope they do get easier, I loved how I felt late last night, no bloatedness, surprisingly I had loads of energy too.

How long have you been following this way of eating?

Re: First day
04 Apr 2013, 17:38
I had my first fast day yesterday and found it much easier than I'd anticipated. I had a queasy turn at about 11:30am but worked through it and the rest of the day got easier by the hour. I made my 'dinner' of stir fry veg and chicken breast for 9:00pm and to be honest I could easily have skipped it but thought that would have been foolish.
I have a very sedentary job and didn't exert my self at all either on fast day or the day before so I suspect your long trek may have been the problem.
I drank lots of water by the way.
Re: First day
04 Apr 2013, 22:03
Today is also my first day of fasting. So far it's not so bad.
I will say I am really looking forward to my dinner of baked tilapia, and steamed brussel sprouts. I did eat three clementine oranges this morning, and have been drinking water throughout the day. I think the most difficult time for me will be tonight before bed time. I've been a late night snacker for many years.
Re: First day
06 Apr 2013, 09:00
I think maybe I didnt drink enough water, hopefully Monday will be better, I am going to plan better, drink more and I'll be at work so can distract myself a little more. I'm glad your first days are going well, keep up the good work and we'll all be much healthier by the summer (if we get one this year!).
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