well it is a way of living - not dieting!
I chose Mondays and Wednesdays and chose 11pm to 11 pm which allows me to have a fat free lo cal yogurt before I go to sleep.
By now I am able skip breakfast and delay lunch to 12.30.
I have a 62 cal soup and cut up a small carrot ( 5cals) to have on my desk if I need a nibble and now can get to about 4pm before I have a stick or two. The rest I can have in the evening.
I reserve 74 cals for my yogurt so I have 359 cals for dinner - I don't use them all up.
Part of my fast days I spend working out the meals for the next fast days - great fun.
So I have lost nearly 8 lb an inch off my hips and half an inch from my waist.
What s need to lose is the middle age fat from my torso. So that is going to take time.
Anyway...I shall mooch around and pick up tips here etc