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Giving it a try !
03 Apr 2013, 20:44
Hi everyone

I got the fast diet book on 1st April :doh: , after hearing a lot about the diet in the media. I spent a couple of days reading the book and decided to give it a go.
I am 60 but never needed to worry about diets to recently; from about 55 I have slowly been putting on wieght. I am now 1.5 stone overwieght and don't seem to have much energy. I am hoping to lose some of the weight and hopefully regain some energy by the end of summer.
I started my first fast day today, its gone OK apart from feeling colder than normal so I had to turn the heating up this evening. Also have had a slight headache since coming home from work. I intend to fast on Mondays and Thursdays where possible; so will only be fasting wednesday this week as I didnt fancy doing two days on the run. Fridays and the weekend are out as I feel it would not be fair on my partner.
There seem to be a lot of interesting topics in the forum I hope to read many of them
Any tips for a older male trying the diet would be welcome
Re: Giving it a try !
03 Apr 2013, 21:55
Hi jacksati and welcome! :)

Lots of people have commented on headaches in their first few fasts, but they do get less very quickly. Feeling cold is also another frequent side effect and is due to the body not producing heat from digesting food.
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