I completed my first fast day yesterday and I was surprised at how easy it was. I didn't leap out of bed at 6am to raid the cupboards as I expected. Hardly felt hungry at all! The only downside was the headache. After reading other peoples' posts it seems those will soon go.
Today was strange though. It's been a normal food day. The headache lasted 'til around 5pm and then I felt much better. However, I walked in to town this morning, a walk I usually do without any problems, and I felt out of breathe and my muscles ached. Is that normal? I also felt very jittery all day, difficult to discribe but my insides felt a bit wobbly and I've been very shakey. Is that just a detox proccess that will subside?
We've got another fast day planned for tomorrow. I'm currently making a 140 cal soup and we're having turkey stroganoff for dinner (234 cals). I'm actually looking forward to it, despite the possible headache.
It's been very interesting reading the boards on here. Everyone seems very supportive