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6 posts Page 1 of 1
New to 5:2 Fasting
04 Apr 2013, 18:52

I read the book & now am jumping in. I started 4/1 & today is my first fast day. I decided to try this one without food only tea & water. So far, 14 hours without food, I'm not hungry at all. However, I'm dreaming of the left overs from last night :grin:

Looking forward to meeting folks,
Re: New to 5:2 Fasting
04 Apr 2013, 19:06
Hi Lynn,

My first day on here but been doing the 5:2 for 6 weeks.. Good luck with it. :)

Re: New to 5:2 Fasting
04 Apr 2013, 19:20
Hello you 2 :smile: I've only been here for a couple of weeks. This forum and the people that populate it are so friendly and supportive. We're all in it together :victory:

Let us know hoe your fast days go :wink:
Re: New to 5:2 Fasting
25 Apr 2013, 10:09
Hi I am still quite new to this WOE been doing it 5 weeks ish
.. I have lost 10lb up to now.. I was wondering if someone could answer my question please.. every low calorie diet I have been on I am supposed to eat around 1250 calories per day to lose 1-2lb per week, my TDEE calculation is 1800 per day I have worked out that if I am eating that amount and fasting 2 days my calorie intake for the week is over 1250 per day, if I calculated it correctly maths not my best subject... so I am wondering how can I lose weight if eating more than 1250 that they say you need to eat to lose weight... I am a bit confused now and worried I am eating too much ..
Re: New to 5:2 Fasting
25 Apr 2013, 10:16
Scarlett I may be wrong and I am new to this! I was under the impression that you can eat those 1800 cals if you want to a day and with the fast days you are saving on calories so that is where the weightloss comes from. And from what I have read the longer you do it, you will naturally reduce your calorie intake and make healthier choices! I am not sure if that makes sense!? :) I am on my first fast day! am having food though but no more than 500 cals! Good luck xx
Re: New to 5:2 Fasting
25 Apr 2013, 10:40
Thanks Vickie I am easily confused I wonder how I can lose weight if I am having more than 1250 a day over the week, as with the fast days still comes to more. oh well have lost so must be ok.. good luck on your first fast day, I am fasting today too just coffee water and green tea till evening meal around 7 then a big stir fry with mushrooms and some yoghurt or fruit after.. I find just eating one meal at evening best for me as once I eat I am hungry all day if get hunger pangs late afternoon usually have an oxo drink... you can do it first day the hardest. good luck xx
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