I started off doing 24 hours from supper to a slightly later supper but found with my decreasing appetite I didn't feel a need for supper on non fast days. So I wasn't going to let that change go to waste so I dropped supper altogether (most days) and started going 36 hours from dinner to breakfast, breaking my fast with breakfast on the fast day. I have since changed to lunch on the fast day to go for the 16 hour fast mentioned on page 76 in the fast diet book. Which brings me to my question...
I begin my day with a strong mug of filter coffee, which is simply horrible without milk. Ugh! On page 177 it talks about milk in tea and coffee and says "what you are trying to do is extend the length of time you are not consuming any calories at all." The comment was about keeping hydrated by dringing lots of cups of tea and coffee with milk. How much effect would 20 kcal of milk in a single mug of coffee have, would that little still stimulate an insulin response? I bought caffeine tablets yesterday though a mug's worth will still gives me 2 kcal of dextrose, would this still have an effect or is there a threshold below which a small intake make no difference? I checked the info sheets for the meds which I take in the morning and though they don't give the amount they do contain lactose, sucrose, dextrose and gelatine.
Has any research been done on the minimum amount of glucose that stimulates a insulin response, or if small calorie intakes, like milk in coffee, take from the effectiveness of a fast period?
Thanks D_C