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Our Frequently Asked Questions topic will answer many of your fasting & weight loss questions!
If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

7lbs in 4 weeks is great and well above the average of 1lb per week! Your loss probably will slow down to around that rate in the next month or so, but don't be discouraged by that, what other way of eating allows you to enjoy all your favourite foods, eat out and still lose around 1lb a week?

If you feel you want or need to add in an extra fast, that's no problem. Some people do 4:3 instead of 5:2 although for women at least there seems to be little difference in the losses achieved with the two methods.
Having watched 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' (there's a link in the resources forum) I realised that sometimes when we overeat, it is a good idea to balance this by eating a bit less the next day. For example, if I've had a big meal out and still feel full the next morning, there's no need to have breakfast! Listen to what your body needs rather than what it wants and you can't go far wrong

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