The FastDay Forum

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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Hello Fellow FastDieters!
12 Apr 2013, 18:46

I started the 5:2 Fast Diet about about month ago and have lost 9 lbs (started at 279, weighed in at 270 this morning). My fast days are pretty consistent at Monday and Thursday. And I'm finding it to be incredibly easy. So much so that I only take in 100-150 calories per day on fast days (late in the evening).

I'm feeling happier and better, "side effects" that the book said I might have. This is making me even more excited for this diet and, for the first time, reaching out to people like you all on this forum to share my excitement.

Looking forward to engaging with you all,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Re: Hello Fellow FastDieters!
12 Apr 2013, 19:02
Welcome to the forum BigDel. What a great start to your new way of life. The forum is a fab place for support and information and I know for sure that I wouldn't still be 5:2ing if it wasn't for the forum. It's great to blow your own trumpet when things are going well and to get help when they aren't.
Re: Hello Fellow FastDieters!
12 Apr 2013, 19:05
Thanks, wildmissus! It has been more than I hoped and I'm trying to get my friends to try it.

(P.S. My wife and I will be heading to Scotland for our 20th anniversary later this summer! Any and all "must see/do" suggestions would be welcomed. :) )
Re: Hello Fellow FastDieters!
12 Apr 2013, 19:19
I was born in Perth which is a lovely place, spent my late teenage years and early 20's in Glasgow - I have such fond memories of that time (I could tell you a few stories). I currently live in a small town called Nairn which is 15 miles east of Inverness (the Capital city of the Scottish Highlands). My husband and I chose to move here as it has that feel good factor - something to do with the two sandy beaches within a 5/10 min walk from our house where you can see dolphins from. There are so many beautiful places nearby which just give you an 'experience', like Loch Ness. I've never been to the Isle of Skye on the west coast but maybe one day.
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