I started the 5:2 diet by fasting on Tuesday after Easter Monday - two weeks ago - and have been finding much inspiration on this forum since then. The diet seems to be working well for me: I have lost 1.8 kg (just under 4 pounds) in two weeks! This figure may be slightly distorted by the fact that I moved my fasting days to Monday and Wednesday this week (so, 5 fasting days in 2 weeks), but I am not worried about this. The important point is that things have been moving in the right direction (by however much or little) for two weeks in a row, and I have made absolutely no sacrifices on non-fasting days. On the contrary, we've had various family and social occasions on both weekends and I have been seeking out yum recipes, cooking and baking much of the time!
I fast best by not eating anything (bar the milk in one cup of coffee in the morning) until my evening meal. I find that as soon as I eat anything my appetite is stimulated, so it is best if I can satisfy it with an adequate portion of food (generally a huge salad that might include tuna, or eggs, and a fruit for pudding). On the one day when I did have a minimal lunch I did struggle all day - and all evening, since the evening meal was also too small.
Anyway, here I am, very happy to be part of this forum and lifestyle. Thank you for all the good work and let's keep going!