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Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 11:47
What are you all eating today? Are you tempted to go mad, or is moderation ruling?
I had cereal with strawberries for breakfast...had a longing for something sweet, then a small salad bowl with a lovely French dressing, then 2 crisp read with low fat Philly, ham and half an avocado. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was still moderate I think....
Dinner will be salmon microwaved with lemon juice, peas and potato &sweet potato mash. Seems so decadent to be eating so much.
I found my first fast OK, went to bed hungry but slept well...can't ask for more than that. Good luck to all
Re: Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 11:51
I find myself eating just a little more on the day after fast. Instead of just cereal for breakfast I might have toast as well. But so far I dont find myself really wanting to make up for lost calories. I hope it continues as I feel great.
Re: Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 13:40
My first couple of weeks, I went a bit mad after fast days - including visits to the patisserie for breakfast :-)

Nowadays, it's just not a big deal. I had one slice of whole wheat toast this morning with a small bit of peanut butter on it at 6:30 am. A few minutes ago (9:30) I had a small cup of yogurt with a spoonful of granola on it. It was yummy and satisfied my sweet tooth
Re: Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 13:45
Same as Tracieknits, I went a bit nuts 'the day after' for the first couple of weeks. I also found that I spent the fast days thinking about what I was going to eat the next day! It's settled down now though and I definitely find my appetite is less than it was.
Re: Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 13:47

First post so please be nice!

I started yesterday with a fast day which I found really good, not too challenging, I quite enjoyed the mild feelings of hunger in a weird way, but today's been really different.

I wasn't hungry when I got up but I made myself have some oatbran porridge and an apple. The problem is though that I breakfast at like 6.30am and then never ever eat until maybe 2pm at work. I've struggled today because I was a bit scared I might underdo it as I had so few calories yesterday so rather than just having a healthy sandwich and a few nuts and cranberries like I normally do, I've crammed in some extra food, just to try and make up the calories. I didn't want to do it and it's left me feeling, not only guilty, but uncomfortably full and a little sick actually.

My TDEE is a whopping 3,250 as I'm mahoosive but i never really have more than 1,500-2,000 and I'm scared I'll make myself pass out or damage myself unless I make up for yesterday's 550 day with a load more than usual today...

Sorry to hijack the thread butI couldn't work out how to start a new one of my own....

Thanks if you've read this far! :)

Re: Day after first fast
16 Apr 2013, 13:50
Was my 12th or 13th fast yesterday I think and today I've gone a bit mad! I had a bagel with clotted cream and jam for breakfast and just ate half a medium pizza for lunch :razz:
Planning to eat curry, rice and samosas for dinner.
But I don't snack at all so should still be under 2000 cals :victory:
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