I'm now in my third week and can't believe the impact the diet has had on me already! I didn't understand how some of you were saying it had changed your life but now I do!
I have struggled with my weight my whole life, tried various diets. It's strange how I couldn't reduce my daily intake by a few calories but I can now already drastically reduce it with no problems. The first day was a little alien but by the second I was enjoying the hunger pains - I've worked out they're actually no worse than a stomach ache so it helps to remember that now so I know that when they come, just like a stomach ache they will pass.
I ended up doing 4:3 the first two weeks purely by accident. I have been reading this doesn't show a greater weight loss generally but I'd already done half the day without eating anything so just decided to carry on. I'm not sure if I'll continue but I might, I've enjoyed the fast days more than the feast ones - I enjoy the feeling of being lighter, not structuring my day around food and for the first time in my life I feel like I'm in contol and listening to my body.
I've lost 5lbs in the first week and a lb for the second so I"m very happy with that, I'll be happy with a lb a week. I'm doing quite a bit of exercise which is also new to me so I'm definitely seeing changes in my body and feeling so much better.
So hello everyone, looking forward to sharing some tips and successes with you soon!