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two days back to back
18 Apr 2013, 17:24

Is it a good Idea to do 2 days fast back to back eating 500 cals each day?

I notice a lot of people do a day then normal eating then another fast day - Monday and Thursday for example. Also there isn't that option on the 'day' poll.

Is there a reason why not to do this? I haven't read the book.
Re: two days back to back
19 Apr 2013, 08:02
Hi, personally I've done 36 hours a few times with no problems, so i'd think i could do 48 hours if i wanted too.. However we're all different so where I dont find it too tough, others might.

In the book/documentary doctor M begins with a 4 day complete fast which didn't cause him any terrible side effects.

If you have done one day, maybe try to stretch it out for as long as you feel able ??

Just make sure you keep drinking plenty of water.
Re: two days back to back
19 Apr 2013, 08:06
the similar "two day diet" (Genesis Breast Cancer Research) uses two consecutive days, they argue that the reduction in glycogen reserves in the first day is exploited in the following day whereas two separate days as per MM replenishes the reserves and depletes them again.
Re: two days back to back
19 Apr 2013, 18:09
ok so a back to back is something to consider - I find that I want to get it all over with.
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