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1st week, 1st weigh in!!!
20 Apr 2013, 07:36
Well I've just weighed myself and I've lost 2.5lbs :grin:

My stats are a little out as when I first registered I was 1lb out on my weight, so it reads slightly better than it should
I feel GREAT!!!!!!!!! :victory:
Having lunch with a friend today, but feel quite conscious NOT to go overboard, I think a nice chicken and goats cheese salad is ample celebration, LOL
I've definitely found that on "feed" days I'm not as hungry and don't want to eat hardly any naughty stuff.
Also going to be easier to avoid the wine as hubby is only allowed 6 units a week due to rheumatoid arthritis medication, so that is a benefit to me as we just tend to have a tipple on a Sat night. Avoids those "just the one" on week nights, especially as the weather is getting better.
By the way, how gorgeous is it today :lol: , (I'm south uk by the way)
Anyway enough babbling from me, have a great weekend everyone and I'll be back on a fast day Monday, hope it gets easier rather than harder :wink:
Re: 1st week, 1st weigh in!!!
20 Apr 2013, 08:00
Well done indeed Lu, that's great!
If you need me to amend some data for you I can do that no problem.

It's a glorious day down here in Weymouth too. A lovely day to walk along the esplanade with an ice cream. It's a feed day :)
Re: 1st week, 1st weigh in!!!
20 Apr 2013, 08:01
Well done! Yes it gets easier and you start to wonder what the fuss is all about. I rarely get hungry on a fast day - usually a cup of tea will fix it. ( white tea if I am really hungry).
Re: 1st week, 1st weigh in!!!
20 Apr 2013, 08:08
Great news!!! It is glorious here in the East Midlands and we are going to the woods with the dogs then off to marks and Spencer for some fast day meals and something nice for tonight :-)

U feel so good wen u know its working!!
Re: 1st week, 1st weigh in!!!
20 Apr 2013, 08:15
Hi Claire, been looking out for you this morning
Yes you're so right, I feel fab and strangely energetic, might even get those running shoes out if the cupboard next week and dust them off!! I'm signed up for the race for life in July but have not run much in last month or so as I was just on a downward lethargic spiral, hoping I'm on the up now
Enjoy your walk, I'd better get some housework done before I swan off to lunch LOL!!!
Catch up with you Monday
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