I'm a newbie. Today is my first fast day. I would like to thank everyone here for being so friendly , inspiring and encouraging. I 've enjoyed reading every single post since I joind 2 days ago and I'm learning alot. There's not even one question so far that has not been answered. I love the way people share their experiences. Thank you all
Today I had a 125 kcal late break fast @ 11:00. Feeling fulllllllllll and happy. Before starding the diet I worked hard to quit drinking coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups sweetend with low fat milk per day . Since calorie intake is forbidden between meals and I really don't want to waste my limited 500 calories on milk, I decided to replace coffee with grean tea. I struggled one week but now i'm coffee free Today i had a full mug of green tea and one teaspoon honey with my hard boiled egg . No more headache .
Just wondering if there's any newbie who would like to join me for a 4 week journey?
Wish me luck