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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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Not sure that I introduced myself in the right place as responded to the Aussie welcome message but started first fast day today and there are a couple of questions I would like to ask please.

1) I notice that when members have their BMI listed it contains two sets of numbers - what is the second number? (Don't know that I dare publish mine - gave myself a fright when I checked it).

2) In the progress tracker can the fast days ratio be changed at a later date? Because I am so overweight (and over 65)I did think perhaps I should perhaps do 4:3 rather than 5:2. (Looks as if I should reduce my intake to 450 rather than 500.)
BMI: 21.33

means 21.33 BMI (21 and a third) ??
Hello cmce and welcome
I think the number on the BMI is the whole number and fraction of the whole number. So, my BMI is 31.25 which is 31 and a quarter. Is this what you mean?
I think you can change your fast ratio but Moogie or one of the other more technical ones can answer that better. Can I just draw your attention to the progress tracker [art where you can compare your own specific statistics to others like you - sex, age, BMI and fasting regime? That way you can see the average amount of weight you can expect to lose in a week. It does seem that the more you have to lose, the quicker it comes off initially, and that there isn't a big difference in rate of weight loss between those who do 5:2 and 4:3. This information might help you decide how to start.
Also, if you can work out your TDEE you can see what a quarter of that is for your fast day intake (although the 500/600 is an arbitrary amount chosen by Dr M as a quarter of the average TDEE) .
Hope this helps. There's lots of info in the FAQs and generally on the board via the search and do ask if there is anything specific.
Good luck, post your stats (you can keep it private if you want ) and let us know how you get on.
Hi cmce & welcome :)

1) Where are you seeing two sets of numbers please? It should just be displaying one figure to two decimal points. If it's bugged out somewhere I need to fix it!

2) At the moment the tracker isn't set up to allow for a change of diet type part way through. I can do it manually but it may throw the figures. It's going to take quite a bit of work to overhaul the system to specify periods of different diet types and then apply all that to the graphing calculations so I'm not sure if this is something I'll be doing or not. However, many of us 5:2ers throw in a 4:3 week from time to time, so it shouldn't be a problem if you're only thinking of doing it initially.

If you look through the tracker charts though you may well notice that (for women at least) 4:3 doesn't yield much better results than 5:2 in general. The cause of this is unknown, but we guess that those who have 3 days of fasting may tend to eat a bit more on their feed days (either through hunger or through feeling they've 'earned' it) and this may balance out the effect to be more or less on a par with 5:2. But by all means try both and see what works for you :D
Thanks Moogie and Janeg - Understand about the BMI figure now (no bugs in the system just in my brain!)
Did work out my TDEE so know I need to reduce to 450. (Wouldn't have know what that was without this site).
From what you both say will start with the 5:2 and will register on the Progress tracker.
Hi cmci and welcome. If you have alot to lose keeping to 500 should be fine on fast days, I spent a month or so experimenting and now have found a way that suites me. Good luck.
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