Have been worrying about loosing weight again....
Got to over 14 stone about 4 years ago, took me a year to get down to 11 and a half stone.
Living on whole lettuce, tomatoes, poached chicken, sauerkraut and almost nothing else, walking up to 12 miles 2 or 3 times a week and 3 miles and cycling up to 12 miles on all the other days (mostly off-roads).
The thought of starting all that again made me properly depressed and kept me putting off starting (I love my grub! Especially my own home made bread).
Then I watched Dr Mosley's program and it made so much sense.
I'm totally fasting from last meal in the evening to breakfast of the second day, Wednesdays & Fridays.
I'm not weighing myself 'till a month has passed but I have gone from the last hole on my belt to the 3 and fourth already.
....and it's so easy, first day dreaming about food all day, thereafter much easier, fourth day i had to make myself eat!!!
Has anyone looked at blood pressure affects of this way of life?
I'm waiting to see if mine comes down. I take mine daily.
Excuse this long winded post.