I had watched the Horizon documentary and, as a science student, the health benefits of 5:2 really interested me, although I did nothing at the time. I recently looked into it again and read lots of information and decided to try it out.
So I started 5:2 almost a week ago. Monday,my first day, started ok but I started to get an increasingly painful headache which lasted until I ate - I chose to have my 500 in one evening meal. The next morning I felt great, not starving at all. My next fast was the Thursday, went brilliantly and I had no headache and still kept to the 500 in one meal, although I did make sure I drank more. My fast day lasts approx 36 hours - I have evening meal by 8pm then I fast all they next day having only the 500 and then return to 'normal' the following morning.
I've not weighed myself since I started, but took some measurements to compare against after a few weeks but already I feel less bloated and have more energy. I have also noticed that on non fast days I'm not that hungry. Another plus about the 5:2 is that I've made some new friends.