A couple of us at work were talking about and decided to give it a go.
Now I know I need to lose weight, but I don't obsess about it and haven't really been monitoring my progress to the point that I haven't been following it religiously, infact I would say I've had a very slap dash approach to it. Some days fasting twice a week, some once, some none at all.
Now as I said, i've not really been monitoring my progress so it came as a revelation that since August ish, I've gone from 95kg to 90kg without even trying!
As a result of this, i've bought myself some new scales and I'm going to do the fast properly and monitor my progress, basically i'm just a geek who likes looking at spreadsheets and graphs!

I've started my tracker stats from this week so I'm starting at 90kg as I don't have full data from before.
I also have a few observations about the best way of fasting (for me).
After trial and error, I eat a light brekkie and light tea and skip dinner.
I've done every combination and this works best.
I tend to fast on Tuesday and Thursday, I believe this has an advantage as I'm actually fasting from 6pm on Monday to 6am on Friday with a 12 hour feasting window in the middle like this:
Monday 6pm - Tea, tend not to eat anything after this.
Tuesday 6am - Fast day, light brekkie (small bowl of shreddies)
Tuesday 6pm - Light Tea (I've found that Stagg vegi Chilli is awesome for this)
Wednesday 6am - Feast day - normal brekkie, dinner and snacks etc
Wednesday 6pm - tea, nothing after
Thursday 6am - Fast day - light brekkie
Thursday 6pm - light tea
Friday 6am - Feast day normal eating until Monday.
Obviously some days get moved and some get skipped but it generally works out like that.