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10 posts Page 1 of 1
02 Feb 2013, 08:02
Hello, Just registering my first post. I discovered this forum via a 5:2 thread on Mumsnet. I've just completed my first week of 5:2 fasting and have been surprised at how easily I adjusted to it. I safe all my calories on fasting days for dinner so eat nothing all day and yet I felt great and even managed my usual intensive gym routine on both fasting days.

I have lost 47lbs on a calorie restricted diet since February last year. By calorie restriction I mean a 15% cut from my TDEE which was 1800 cals a day so not restrictive at all and I certainly never felt deprived :P I still have another 10-19 lbs left to lose but was getting bored of counting calories every single day so here I am.

But the main motivation for trying IF is the health benefits as Alheimers, strokes and cancer run in my family. Therefore I hope that I will continue to fast once or twice a week even after I reach goal.
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 13:35
Welcome! Like you, I also save all of my calories on fasting days for dinner. I really find it's the easiest way to go, because once I eat a 200 calorie breakfast or lunch, I'm much hungrier than if I hadn't had anything.

That's a fantastic weight loss you've accomplished - congratulations!! I agree though completely about the main motivation for this diet. I want to live long enough to annoy my son for another 50 years :-)
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 13:59
Hello. Even a tiny bit of food sets my appetite off so it's best that I don't tempt it until night time!
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 14:31
Same approach as you Bssh, and many (an increasing number is my impression) are finding the same. I am now trying to avoid even milk in tea and coffee until break-fast in the evening...
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 15:17
Yeah, I aways have milk in tea and coffee but not on fast days. It's black, herbal and water all the way.
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 15:47
Hi Bssh!

Nice to see you over here! :)

It seems to me that Dr M is very much the exception to the rule, going by the evidence on these threads and those on Mumsnet.

Newcomers to this WOL generally begin by having three small meals in the day (because going without all day is seen as very extreme), and very quickly, after reading of others' experiences, switch to one meal a day. Mainly, well in my case, because I don't feel hungry if I eat nothing - whereas I find I get more hungry if I eat.

Dr M is obviously of the opinion that sufficient stress is caused to the bodies' cells by cutting down the cals to <600.
Re: Hello
03 Feb 2013, 20:02
Hi Breadandwine!
Re: Hello
15 Feb 2013, 20:07
Just reporting in: been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks now and have lost 6lbs :-)
Re: Hello
15 Feb 2013, 20:11
Great news Bssh!

I've always wondered how people managed to just have one meal but I have done it today for the first time. I feel ok although I had my one meal at lunch as I don't think I could wait until the evening.
Re: Hello
15 Feb 2013, 20:16
well done bssh- my weigh in is tomorrow so watch this space!!! It's my third week as well and I have not found it too hard at all- next two weeks a bit more of a challenge as we are on hols but will see what I can do- certainly dont want to put it all back on!!!- ursula
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