I found the first fast day a lot easier than I thought I would! What I was most proud of was being able to take a new client of mine a batch of Cupcakes for our meeting and I found I had no desire to have one (after I had my boiled egg and 2 oatcakes that is!) any other day I would not have thought twice about having one with them, after all it would be rude not to right? Wrong! A black cup of coffee got rid of any craving I had.
I am realistic though and know that some days will be harder than others but is it OK to actually enjoy the feeling of being the slightest bit hungry for a change? In just one day I have thought about how much I actually eat on any other given day and there really is no need!
I am really excited to feel this way and hope I can maintain it but with all this positive reinforcement on this site I think I have all the support I need
