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Hello from me
07 Feb 2013, 11:49
Hello, this is my first week of 5:2 and so far so good. I'm on my second fast today my first was Tuesday, I think next week I'll do Monday & Thursday but I only really made the decision to give this a try on Monday so Tues was my first day.

Tuesday was hard, I had the worst headache ever, which I think was caffeine withdrawal, which I always find a kiler, I don't like black coffee, and drink redbush tea without milk which is decaff, so without thinking I didn't have a coffee all day, I normally have two or three, but it was enough to get the headache from hell. I was hungry on and off during the day, I was in work whereas i'm home today, so I was busy but it was hard going. I felt so ill in the evening I had a bath and went to bed early, but to my surprise on Weds morning I didn't feel starving or desperate for breakfast (it was the thought of the toasted teacake that kept me going on Tues!). Today being fast day 2 has been so much easier, I didn't have breakfast as such just a coffee (with milk) and I've been fine this morning, a bit peckish but not really hungry at all, looking forward to lunch in a bit - got a feta cheese salad from Marksies & will probably have soup for dinner tonight but I'm amazed at how much easier today feels, I wasn't looking forward to doing today and the little devil that sits on my shoulder was telling me to forget it but I'm glad I stuck with it and hope the rest of the day feels as good as this!

I lost two stone at the end of last year doing Cambridge, but I'd like to lose at least one more maybe two. Six years ago I lost 3 stone with Cambridge but over the years it went back on and nothing I tried could shift it. I started low-carbing a couple of years ago and lost a bit and I think eventually that's the way I'd like to eat but I struggle to lose weight with it long-term, I do it for a few months then go mad on carbs and start again. I'm hoping with fasting I can do mainly low-carb but have some here & there if I want so they're not forbidden.

Anyway will see how the rest of the day goes, but feeling very positive at the moment

Re: Hello from me
07 Feb 2013, 12:06
Hi Jan & welcome :)

Your story is so familiar! So many of us have tried so many different diets, lost weight only to regain most if not all of it (and in some cases, with extra...) when we start eating 'normally' again. The problem with so many of these diets is that for the most part they are not easy to stick to in the long run. 5:2 seems different for many of us. It seems so easy and effortless. Nothing is forbidden, and it's only a day at a time. I really love this way of eating and I look forward to my fast days.

Regarding the headaches, do remember to drink lots of water, it really does help :) That said, I don't really drink any caffeine so don't know what withdrawal is like. Good thing you can have your coffee and a bit of milk to keep the headaches at bay. A lot of folks here 'reserve' a certain amount of cals a day for their hot beverage milk allowance.

Well done on sticking with it despite the difficult first day. My first day was tough too, I hadn't really planned it, just decided to do it and had a pretty bad day of it but being a stubborn one I didn't give in! So glad I did, 2st 5lb down now and feeling great :)

Good luck with your fast today - feel free to drop by the 'fasting today' forum and chat with others if you need a bit of support - there are a lot of Monday/Thursday fasters here!
Re: Hello from me
07 Feb 2013, 13:48
Thanks Moogie, I really do feel like I've found the answer and not just another diet!

It's great just knowing it's just today, tomorrow I can eat what I like, I'm going out with some friends on the weekend and I'm looking forward to eating guilt free and not thinking that I've blown the diet and might as well be really naughty until Monday again!
Re: Hello from me
07 Feb 2013, 13:52
Hey janjay, well done for keeping going. I have to say that I had a few go at 5:2. In September I hated it, I was doing it because my husband was doing 5:2. So I gave up. Then I started again because my husband was losing weight. I did October and November. Then I remember my doctor saying I should have little meals instead. So I gave up 5:2 again. Then December around Christmas I started again...but really started well after the festivities...and now I love it.
I feel much better. I have less vestibular symptoms too.
I didn't like black coffee first I used to use a bit of milk but now I prefer doing 24hours no food so I have very weak coffees and it's going well plus Perrier. I have to watch my daily calories during normal days because I easily go over 2000calories (so that doesn't help me to lose weight and my tum hurts). I had Headaches too when I started now it's ok because I drink plenty.
My family are very impressed I go through the day without breakfast, lunch and keep smiling :)
Re: Hello from me
07 Feb 2013, 17:33
Hi Pashcaline, sounds like you're doing really well now - do you eat no food at all on your fast days? Not sure I could manage that!

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