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If you're new and have a question or need some advice, please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!

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New to the Forum
16 Jan 2013, 08:57
Hi everyone,

I new to the forum but not really new to the 5:2 fast diet.

I saw the programme in August and tried fasting, losing about 5lb but unfortunately Sept - Dec is birthday silly season in our family so I'm sure that lots of good work for 2 days was written off with naughty weekends. However, I did find fasting a great way of maintaining the weight, rather than putting even more on!

I tend to be a headachey/migrainey type of person and do feel light-headed if I go without food for long periods of time so I do have 3 meals a day. Here is an average day

Oatso simple with almond milk (151 cals)

Weighwatchers soup (50-90 cals)

Chicken & veg curry - homemade (200 cals)
Ratatoille with fish - homemade (190 cals)

2 crackerbreads (38 cals)

This works for me and I'm trying to reduce the calories in my lunch so I can have more for dinner. I drink herbal teas and black coffee during the day with plenty of water. I use the my fitness pal app to log my food - on fast days only!

I'm not looking to lose a great deal of weight - probably 7lb to get me to a sustainable healthy BMI but look forward to the health benefits. I also swim 3-4 times a week and throw in a BLT class if I feel like it.

Right, that's me. I'm off for some oats!

Look forward to 'meeting' you all!
Re: New to the Forum
16 Jan 2013, 16:24
Mmm, bacon lettice & tomato class? Sounds good! :D

Welcome to the forum Jane, and good luck with getting back on track with 5:2. I think most of us indulged a bit over Christmas, thankfully maintaining due to 5:2 :)

If you've got a sweet tooth at all you could reduce your snack calories (allowing more for dinner) by having something like a no-sugar jelly pot, they're quite filling and are less than 10 cals. Funny how even a few calories saved can make such a difference to dinner isn't it? That extra 30 cals could get you another 80g or so of steamed veg! I love the calorie game!
Re: New to the Forum
17 Jan 2013, 12:45
Welcome to the forums! :-)
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