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First fast day!
11 Feb 2013, 15:26
Hey there,

Thought I'd say hey and share my reasons for being on here. Having moved to London a couple of years ago it's fair to say I indulged in the lifestyle, eating out and drinking copious amounts, most days! My gorgeous but very naughty housemate did not help matters, often encouraging me to join her in her homemade lasagne or bottle of wine.

Alas it was not meant to last. With her moved on to pastures new, it is time to face facts, we have both gotten fat. We are beyond curvaceious. We have gotten "dumpy". As such, we are both embarking on our own weight loss journeys, with her choosing Raspberry Ketones and colon cleanse pills, and my old-school self choosing 2 days of deprivation per week.

A little more background: I spent all of January competing with my other (male) housemate to see who could lose the most weight in a month and he absolutely knocked the ball out of the park with a 8kg loss, mocking my measley 2.5kg loss which was the result of obsessive calorie counting (my fitness pal, but of course) combined with ridiculous amounts of Bikram yoga. That small number just didn't seem fair after all that discipline and 2,700 minutes (not that I was counting) spent in 40 degree heat amongst 74 other dripping wet bodies. So I rebelled. I fell off the wagon (standard), and had a naughty week last week (I highly recommend the nutella cupcake recipe from the Hummingbird Bakery book!). Needless to say, Lauren (old housemate) was involved in my downfall.

1kg up and not to be defeated, I looked to my next diet, coming across the 5:2. So I watched the Horizon documentary on the way home. I was sold. I bought the book, I read the book, I studied the reviews and I planned my first fast day - TODAY!

One DietFuel protein shake down (200kcal) and an apple for lunch and I am flipping starving. I trust you all when you say it gets easier.

My only concern is that I am booked in for bikram tonight. It might not be the best idea in the world, but I am hooked on it and can't face the thought of missing a day. I don't suppose anyone reading this has any experience on the matter? I.e. am I an idiot for putting my body through 90 minutes of strain on my first ever fast day? Bikram himself claims only water and oxygen are required to complete a class, but then the man is full of BS, so I don't know.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings on :)
Re: First fast day!
11 Feb 2013, 15:45
Hi Suzan & welcome!

Thanks for such a great first post, it seems you're in the same position as many of us - weight having crept on and other diets simply not being sustainable in the long term. 5:2 really has been a revelation to many of us!

I don't do a lot of exercise so can't really offer any advice regarding your yoga tonight but I guess all I can say is that if you don't feel able once you start, then stop - and don't let it put you off fasting, because your body's tolerances & abilities when you fast will increase as you get used to the way of life.

Just remember to drink plenty of water to stave off the hunger and enjoy your dinner slowly. A lot of us have found it's actually easier to save all the cals for dinner as we become really hungry once we start eating. 500 cals actually gives a really good sized meal and it's not as hard as you might think to go without food for most of the day as long as you keep busy and hydrated!
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