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Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 06:50
I stumbled on this site following a visit to Michael Mosley's website - he was discussing the Daily Mail '2-day diet' and dominic had posted a link back to here.

Thanks so much dominic :D

I'm two weeks into 5:2, I need to lose around 18lbs, not massive I know - but I am a shortie.

In addition to losing some padding, my aim for the 5:2 is to take care of blood sugars.

My mum and sister both had/have Type 2 and I have been borderline for a number of years. The only thing saving me thus fat is probably that I am fairly active - but I can't rely on that.

To say I am feeling more energetic on my fasting days flies in the face of everything I have been brought up to belief. Like many of you here, I am a product of the 'low-fat' era - although I always refused to give up 'reeeel buddder' for the horrid excuse of a mechanically-produced spread.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and also to my break-fast in a couple of hours

Re: Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 07:31
Welcome SuzieW. New here also but this seems like a very nice place to chat with others doing the same diet.
Re: Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 08:14
Hi SuzieW,

Welcome. I'm also new to this board, I tried a trial run of fasting last week and it went well so this is my first proper 5:2 week. I'm also very interested in the health benefits of eating like this and would like to lose about 7 pounds.

I'm back to real butter now and loving it!
Re: Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 09:42
Hi SuzieW and welcome, I'm delighted you followed my link, that was the idea!

Lots to read here, just dip in and see what takes your fancy. I enjoy the harder science stuff (my science stopped at O-level, so I just pretend I am understanding it, but others here really do.)

Don't be shy and do have your say! Everyone is friendly here...

It's worth putting your numbers into the Progress Tracker, and if you have them from before you started 5:2, even better. It makes a pretty chart to show your progress and it contributes to the overall forum stats.
Re: Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 10:17
I also found Michael Mosely website ,think I have tried ever diet know to man liked the sound of this one as it is for life and no more worrying what to eat every day Alot of health problems in my family so looking forward to checking results Weight not coming of fast but do feel alot better and not so tired ,going through my own tempture control at the moment so wondering if this is slowing things down
I have all my cals at night on fast days ,also find if i eat in the morning I am hungry all day ,Have 2 stone to lose so this a new start
Find this site a great help Good luck ;)
Re: Can I jump on board please?
12 Feb 2013, 11:30
Hi SuzieW,

I am also new (only my second week) and I think it really helps to share your experience with others and most importantly to hear about other people.

Good luck !
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